It may be the only time you will find these words in the same sentence: "Ebola" and "Add to Wishlist." Giantmicrobes Inc., which makes a line of plush toys based on viruses and other microscopic organisms, has sold out its entire Ebola stock, including the small Ebola doll for $9.95, a Gigantic Ebola doll for $29.95 and an Ebola Petri Dish toy for $14.95, according to the company's website. "Since its discovery in 1976, Ebola has become the T. Rex of microbes," says the Stamford, Connecticut-based maker of the "uniquely contagious toy" on its website, which promotes them as gag gifts that also have educational value. With the latest Ebola outbreak, which already killed more than 4,500 people, mostly in West Africa, customers have snapped up the toy, which looks like half a pretzel. "You do not want to get Ebola," warns the website. "A short incubation period of 2 to 21 days presages symptoms which include fever, aches, sore throat, and weakness, followed by diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting, and both internal and external bleeding. And then, for between 50-90 percent of victims, death." Giantmicrobes lists the World Health Organization as one of its largest customers, along with pharmaceutical companies and the American Red Cross. Anyone disappointed by the current shortage of the Ebola toys can click on "Add to Wishlist" and wait for more stock to arrive. Or make a different selection from the company's array of other plush toys, including Anthrax, Botulism, Cholera and Dengue Fever. It was not clear how many of the toys have been sold and the company could not be reached for comment. 這也許是你頭一次看到這兩個對象呈此刻統一個句子中:“埃博拉”和“插手意愿清單”。 按照Giantmicrobes公司網站先容,埃博拉病毒造型毛絨玩具庫存已經所有售罄。這傍邊包羅標價9.95美元的小埃博拉玩偶,29.95美元的龐大埃博拉玩偶以及14.95美元的埃博拉有蓋作育皿玩具。該公司曾出品過一系列的病毒造型和微生物造型玩偶、 這家位于美國康乃迪克州斯坦福德的微生物玩具公司在其網站上說,“自1976年,人類初次發明埃博拉病毒以來,埃博拉就成為了微生物界的暴龍。” 該公司稱這些開頑笑玩偶同樣具有教誨意義。 邇來發作的埃博拉病毒疫情,已經導致高出4500人衰亡,此次疫情首要產生在西非地域。這些長得像半個椒鹽脆餅的埃博拉病毒玩偶受到了熱捧。 該公司網站上告誡說,“你毫不會想染上埃博拉”。埃博拉病毒的暗藏期短暫,從2天到21天不等,有發燒、疼痛、喉嚨酸痛和身材衰弱等癥狀,接著會呈現腹瀉、胃痛、吐逆和表里出血。有50%-90%的傳染者會失去生命。 Giantmicrobes 把天下衛生組織列為其最大的買家,次之的是美國的醫藥公司和美國紅十字協會。 全部對今朝埃博拉玩具欠缺感想掃興的顧主都可以點擊“插手意愿清單”按鈕,以守候新一批供貨上架。可能選擇該公司其他系列的毛絨玩具產物,包羅炭疽病毒玩偶、肉毒桿菌玩偶、霍亂病毒玩偶和登革熱病毒玩偶。 對付這些玩偶的詳細銷量還無從得知,該公司也未出聲明。 (翻譯:linchln 編輯:Julie) 掃一掃,存眷微博微信